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The traditions, which have sprung up around this game, are a microcosm of the athletic history of GA. 体育活动在GA的地位一直很高, 因为学校对“健全心智”这句格言的承诺, sound body." The modern GA-PC Day combines some the outstanding elements of GA athletics: inclusion, sportsmanship, and continuity. In 1887, when George Hartley Deacon took to the rugby field with his students in the first GA-PC game, 他不知道这件事会留下什么遗产. 对他们和他来说,这只是另一场比赛.

Their enthusiasm was high: playing that game, as we know, must have had its own adrenaline rush. 我们知道设备很简陋, 这出戏很有触感, 竞争很激烈, 比分是ga20, PC 6. The score tells us how exciting the game was for the GA spectators and even more exhilarating for the GA team. ga和pc之间的竞争已经持续了120多年.

That first game 是真的,但今天它的后代现在被称为美式足球. 在早期的日子里, the visiting team and their supporters came by train to GA's field to play just another game on their roster. For the first 50, or so years, the GA-PC football game was just that, a straight forward game. 在竞争的第一阶段, GA was usually the more powerful team because the school had outstanding facilities on campus and thick alliance with the Germantown Cricket Club. 这个GCC连接是一个很好的资产.

然后在20世纪30年代, William Penn Charter School moved right into GA's bailiwick and only a few blocks away on School House Lane. Moreover, 几乎与PC的行动一致, many of its families moved from Center City to the suburban areas surrounding Germantown. 曾经可以预见的学校竞争是什么, 与游戏有关, 现在的受邀竞争与接近和比较有关吗. 曾经的城市学校现在的设施已经超过了GA. 曾经仅仅是GA的集水区现在是共享的草坪. Penn Charter的存在无疑凸显了GA缺乏土地的问题. The tower at PC pierced not only the sky but also perhaps the ego of its rival, GA. 因此,GA-PC足球游戏呈现出一种全新的视角和强度.

In those days of the Depression through the first years following World War II, the football world was dominated primarily by collegiate and scholastic competitions. 职业足球还没有形成. Those people who loved the game followed favorite college and school teams. 周五下午的Inter-Ac比赛允许球员的家人, friends, and their schools' alumni or enthusiasts to catch a game before the weekend began. 这款GA-PC游戏因为离学校很近而受到关注, 越来越多的人意识到其悠久的传统, 以及公认的竞争水平. 就像体育是学校形象的延伸一样, 这场大型比赛代表着学校的声誉和骄傲. 在20世纪中期, 曾经强大的GA经历了艰难的斗争, 不仅在足球,而且在其他运动中. GA both was land poor and had fewer students than other Inter-Ac School.

Nonetheless, GA-PC游戏开始有了自己的生命, 作为旁观者打赌, 校友和团队的父亲喝酒和学生狂欢, 更不要说时间上的荣幸了, 后比赛破坏门柱, 都被展出了.

随着时间的推移,这个活动变得有点像返校活动. 校友会回来, 每所学校都有一个特别的动员会, 但带着典型的费城上流社会的矜持, there was no homecoming queen program with its appurtenant glitter and no certainly no marching band. 然而,这一天有一个重要的社交活动,赛后鸡尾酒会. Like the burgeoning gridiron rivalry, this party began to take on its own life. 一位GA Old Guard评论道, "Well, 如果我们没有赢得比赛, and we usually didn't; we always won the cocktail party!" This glib comment underscores how far the GA-PC game had moved from the days of George Hartley Deacon with its roots in "muscular Christianity."

When GA moved to Fort Washington, the GA-PC rivalry no longer was one of geographic proximity. To be exact, GA became the possessor of outstanding athletic facilities and was now co-ed. 潮流正在改变. 然而,这场大型比赛仍然是一场伟大的校友活动! 在杨先生的领导下. Kast, both schools realized that change was needed: away from adult socializing and toward scholastic sportsmanship. 重点应该放在球员、学生和他们的比赛上.

不久之后, the post-game partying was substituted with an emphasis on a pre-game alumni lunch. Both schools declared their campus as "dry" as regards tailgating and hipflasking. With the rise of professional football, scholastic-gridiron book-making dried up. 近年来,发生了更大的变化. Penn Charter became co-ed and has expanded its property holdings to provide more playing fields. Both schools have begun to take a position against the schoolboy "hijinx" that were devolving into preppy hooliganism. 两所学校在GA-PC日场女子和男子足球, 女孩和男孩越野, Field Hockey, Girls tennis, 女孩和男孩水球和, of course, Football.

近年来,大比赛变成了大日子. 直到那天, each school encourages spirit-building activities that range from an extravagant pep rally to a bonfire. 然后用一种文雅的方式, administrators read the Riot Act to the students about drinking and property destruction. 每隔一年,每个学校都是东道主. 越来越多的校友回来在一个大帐篷下吃午饭. 两所学校现在都有精神乐队和啦啦队. 2000年,两所学校联合举办了一场学生艺术展. 所有的秋季运动队都参加并颁发奖品.

This brief retrospective of the GA-PC tradition offers telltales of GA's athletic history: the early halcyon days in uncrowded Germantown; the alliance with the Cricket Club; the increasing awareness of the paucity school's facilities; some of the unsavory aspects of scholastic competition; then GA's serendipitous move to Fort Washington and going co-ed.

乔治·哈特利执事会怎么做, the Father of GA Athletics think of the descendant of that first 1887 GA-PC rugby match? 他如何评价当代的GA-PC日? 嗯,他有敏锐的智慧,想象力和远见. 他知道未来不可能是他自己时代的延续. 用他那个时代的一句话来回答这个问题:他会怎么想? “他会很高兴的."

Joe Boyd '75
Varsity Letter
彼得·麦克维1760年 & Mike Turner '91
John Rex '63 & Bill Caum '64
Jack Turner '56 & 马特·巴西利87年- 100周年纪念